I know we've probably all seen those random little coupons placed here and there throughout the store when we've been shopping. Some Coupon Fairy has kindly left behind a coupon or two that they don't need. There have been plenty of times when I've needed and taken them! Well, this weekend the Coupon Fairy at my local Target was such a blessing to me! I was contemplating the purchase of a Venus cartrige refill or a new razor. As we all know, the refills are ridiculously expensive and often times it's a better buy to just get a new razor! But I had incentive for working it out. There was a Target deal where I'd get a $5 gift card if I made it work with my coupons and have an awesomer savings experience. Well, after hovering in the razor isle for a few minutes, I picked up my purchase and walked to another isle to find my other items I needed for the deal. While I was gone I decided it was going to cost me too much out of pocket, so I went back to put the razors up on the shelf and guess what?! The Coupon Fairy had just been there and she didn't leave just any coupon, she left a $5 off Venus Target coupon!!! So I stacked it with my manufacturer coupon, did my deal, and now I have my $5 gift card to show for it! Thanks Coupon Fairy!
So that brings me to my new mission. I've decided to become the Target coupon fairy in my neck of the woods. I left a $5 formula coupon there this weekend, and I'm creating a Target Coupon Fairy folder to take with me when I shop. I'll be leaving those coupons around the store to be a blessing to someone else. I encourage you to do the same. Money is tight right now, and I know for myself, I really needed those Venus razors, but I just couldn't do it without that awesome coupon. Giving away your extra coupons can be a great help to other money saving moms out there. Don't pass up the opportunity to do a good deed! :)
P.S. I'm NOT encouraging you to leave hundreds of coupons on the Target shelves! Just leave one here and there when you can. We don't want to be the cause of a "no coupon leaving" policy!
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