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Savvy Shopper and Freelance Writer for The Lubbock Avalanche Journal


This page is dedicated to all things frugal. I'll be sharing some of my favorite tips and tricks at scoring some awesome deals.

I'm a Target groupie. I can't help it, and I say it proudly. Target rocks my world. From the red bulls-eye and Circo clothes to the Icee's and clearance shelves. There's nothing quite like Target. I used to have to justify shopping there because WalMart (a.k.a. Super Mega Thrift Barn) always beat their prices. However, in the past few years the economy has forced Target to meet other stores prices and stack their in-house coupons with manufacturer coupons. So, I can say without guilt, "I'm going to Target, honey!"

There's several things you need to know about shopping at Target before you go, especially if you want to come out with some great deals.
  1. You should always print the Target coupons from their website before you go.
  2. Check their Sunday flyer online and match up their sales with their coupons.
  3. Match your manufacturer coupons with the flyer and the in-store coupons (stack).
  4. Take any unused coupons with you to the store.
  5. Shop clearance items first - ends of isles usually hold clearance items.
  6. Don't shop high-demand sales items Sunday afternoon. Chances are, they'll be sold out.
  7. Shop on weekdays or Friday morning.
  8. Bring competing store flyers with you for Target to match their prices.
Keep your eyes peeled for $5 gift card specials. If you can stack coupons and take advantage of these, that's your best bet. You'll probably have to spend those gift cards on another trip unless you go through the line again. If you can, split your trip to all gift card gaining purchases first, then go back and purchase the rest of your items with your gift cards.

So, I try to avoid Wal-Mart as much as possible, but sometimes it's an unavoidable evil. Yes, evil. The store is dirty, so are the people, and the meat section... well, it smells. But, sometimes when there's a deal to be had, you gotta suck it up and take one for the team. It's our last resort, but SMTB has pulled us out of many a pinch with their 24hr availability and huge selection. Wal-Mart does not stack coupons like Target, however they will price match and they also have incredible clearance items if you can time the sales out right. Some things to remember before you embark on your journey into the discount abyss...
  1. You should always print the Wal-Mart coupons from their website before you go.
  2. Check their Sunday flyer online and match up their sales with your manufacturer coupons.
  3. Take any unused coupons with you to the store.
  4. Shop clearance items first - each department has a cluster of clearance items hidden somewhere.
  5. Don't shop high-demand sales items Sunday afternoon. Chances are, they'll be sold out.
  6. Shop on weekdays or Friday mornings.
  7. Bring competing store flyers with you for Wal-Mart to match their prices.
You can find some amazing deals at Wal-Mart after the holidays, and I always buy last seasons' clothes after the new season is in full swing. I generally buy a size and a half ahead of where the girls are now, so it will fit next year. Also, you can get some great deals on staples after Thanksgiving and Christmas (turkey, bread items, chicken stock, marshmallows, etc.). The holidays are pretty much the most pleasant time of year to shop at SMTB... there's so much space available for hanging lights and blow up Santa Snoopy's!

Well, these folks have pretty much monopolized the grocery market (no pun intended) in West Texas. But really, can you blame them? The other national chains went belly up, so there's not any regulating competition. Hint, hint, Kroger & Albertsons. At United, they don't stack, price match, or have reasonable prices on brand names. However, their generic items are pretty good. That being said, there are times when convenience reigns and that's when you have to make the old school grocery store trip. This can go one of two ways, either you will be fleeced, or, you will learn what generics you can live with and coupon your way through sales to come out close to budget. Resist the temptation to purchase all the local bakery/imported goodies! They don't always taste as good as they look - sometimes they do, but it's a wild card. So, be prepared...
  1. Check their Sunday flyer online and match up their sales with your manufacturer coupons.
  2. Take any unused coupons with you to the store.
  3. Shop clearance items first - each department has a cluster of clearance items hidden somewhere.
  4. Shop on weekdays or Tuesday mornings (meat is on sale!).
  5. Enjoy the help out to the car. They earned it!

I would live in this store if I could. OK, so maybe not live. I'd live in Target and Sun Harvest would be my garden. Ooh, they have so many cool things I want to try... Chocolate Omega 3 truffles, Organic makeup, Irish Soda Bread (I'm personally addicted to this stuff), and Free Range Organic Chicken. No, I'm not one of those PETA moms or some kinda crunchy organic granola extremist, but I do see the value in feeding my family the healthiest pizza and chips I can find. Also, I love me some samples and they give them out like candy! So, if you plan to shop there, there's some things you should know first...
  1. Wednesdays are double flyer days - two weeks of flyer sales on one day!
  2. Check their flyer online and match up their sales with your manufacturer coupons.
  3. Take any unused coupons with you to the store.
  4. Shop clearance items first - these are hard to come by, but occasionally they're piled together.
  5. Tuesday is the day they get fresh soda bread. If they're out and it's Friday, tough stuff.

Be sure to check out my Coupon Database before you go shopping!