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Savvy Shopper and Freelance Writer for The Lubbock Avalanche Journal

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I went to Target this week with my shopping list, my stack of sorted and stapled coupons, and my coupon binder. I was minding my own business, deep in thought configuring a savings scenario plan, when two young ladies approached me and asked if I was one of those “Extreme Couponers” like the ones on TLC’s show.

I hesitantly and quietly said yes.

I wasn’t sure what they were about to say, and I was hoping for a nonconfrontational conversation. It has been my experience most people admire couponers, but there are a few out there who we just can’t ever seem to win over.

I was hoping these two ladies fell into the former category. They were very excited to hear my answer and began firing away at me with questions about my binder, where to find coupons and where my TV crew was.

I explained that I’m not (nor do I ever hope to be) on a TV show. I simply apply the principles from that show to my shopping methods.

We stood there in the middle of the main isle between the children’s section and the frozen foods and chatted for a bit. As it turned out, they were both very new to couponing, but curious and anxious to learn.

I gave them a few tips and pointers, and we parted company cheerfully going about our business. I proceeded to the toothpaste isle looking for my coupon stacking opportunity and realized I had two Target coupons for toothpaste and two manufacturer coupons.

The next thing I know, I’m leaping down the aisle calling them back to me.

What’s the quickest way to say, “Would you like for me to show you how to stack and become an Extreme Couponer right now?”

How about “Hey, have you ladies got $1 to spend?”

Not my best work, I know, but it got their attention and they came with me to the toothpaste aisle. I explained to them the purpose of the Target store coupon with the $1.50 off one tube offer, and the benefit of stacking a manufacturer’s coupon on top of it for an additional $1 off the same tube of toothpaste.




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